Hogan Associates' RI Short Sale Team
Short sales hold the promise of a better day for buyers, sellers and lenders. When a short sale is completed, sellers move on with their lives, buyers get good values, and lenders are one step closer to the recovery we all seek.
In a market that changes as quickly as this one today's fact can be tomorrow's fiction. For sellers and buyers of short sale properties, misinformation can mean the difference between completing the sale and picking up the pieces. Good advice is foreclosure-preventing; smart decision-making save transactions, and choosing an agent who knows the ropes is essential.
Matt Hadfield and Eric Kirton specialize in short sales and have the expertise to help you to start the process, keep it on track and give you the best chance for a successful outcome.
Contact Hogan Associates' Short Sale Team today to understand your options and make your plan.
Contact our SHORT SALE EXPERTS at 401-849-6700 or email us for a confidential discussion.