Once upon a time (not too long ago), I participated in a chilly stand off between parties who really could have and should have worked things out. Sound familiar? Hey, it happens to the best of us, but this one was especially galling because all it would have taken was a tiny bit more from a buyer who got caught up in finding "the bottom".  I single out the buyer here because, of the two, he was the one with the emotional wherewithal to be the bigger person, swallow his pride and up the ante to finish the deal.  After mulling this over, I am certain it would have been better for him, and here's why: He planned to buy and hold, and when you plan to buy and hold, you do NOT have to be EXACTLY right on price.

Who among us has not seen this situation…

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This weekend some of New England's most beatuiful classic sailboats will convene in Newport for the Museum of Yachting's annual Classic Yacht Regatta.  There are many vantage points around the harbor including Castle Hill, Fort Adams and Jamestown's Fort Weatherill.  Vintage 12 meters of America's Cup fame, traditional one-designs and a few modern classics will be on display here in one of the world's most scenic harbors.  This regatta is so quntessentially Newport, you just have to take it in.  The Museum of Yachting is located at Fort Adams.  The fleet assembles Sunday at 10:30 at Goat Island and then cruises along the shore of Newport Harbor.fortadams_aerial_jazz_400


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