Question: Can I Build a Dock on my Water Front Property?
Posted by Leslie Hogan on
Answer: Maybe.
Dock permits are issued by RI's Coastal Resources Management Council. The CRMC classifies all RI's coastal waters, and they allow residential docks in some types of waters and prohibit them in others.
The first step in determining whether you can build a dock is learning the water classification in your area. Water classifications are designated in the CRMC Rules and Regulations, also called the CRMC Redbook.
In Type 2, 3, and 4 waters residential docks are allowed. There are specific rules and requirements for locating a dock, but you can submit an application if your property abuts these waters. In Type 1 waters, however, docks are prohibited. Some people have grandfathered docks in Type 1 waters, which leads many to…
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