Found 3 blog entries tagged as Newport RI.


The "Big 3" for Newport, RI home sales

It's simple really.  Buying a home in RI requires careful consideration of location, condition and price.  If 2 of these 3 components are excellent, you can usually compromise a bit on the 3rd. Every once in a while, however, you find a home that has all 3 - good location, good condition and a good price.  That's when you want to make your move, and that's the situation at 11 Greenough Place, just listed in Newport, RI.

Location? Check!

Few Newport locations offer all the advantages of Greenough Place. It's a pretty little dog-leg-of-a-lane tucked away from the through streets of the Kay Catherine neighborhood. Yet it's within easy walking distance of town, beach and beautiful Bellevue Ave. What's…

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If the Real Estate catchphrase of 2012 was “interest rates” 2013 will be “inventory”.  So far it’s been a fantastic and frustrating 2013 for us realtors here in Newport, and per the media, we’re not alone.  Inventories nationally are at 13 year lows.  As I mentioned in a blog post back in November, inventory levels were continuing to decrease, pointing towards a renewed seller’s market.  Looking at charts here in Newport County the trend doesn’t seem to be changing.  

inventory levelsThese charts make me think back to my Economics Classes at Saint Anselm College with Professor Romps, specifically about supply, demand and the “invisible hand”.  Prof. Romps was a 6’3” 280lb angry 65 year old man.  It was impossible to fall asleep in his class even at 9am on Friday. In…

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Mae West once said, "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."

As a luxury waterfront rental specialist in Newport, RI, helping folks "do it right" is my profession. Lucky me - especially at this time of year when Rhode Island summer rental activity begins to heat up. If you're looking for a cool place to spend your vacation this summer, I have lots of ideas in all price ranges, but here are a few of the more unusual offerings:

Nantucket Light ShipThe Nantucket Lightship

The Nantucket Light Ship, Newport RI

Just imagine yourself on the deck of this amazing vessel sipping Champagne while the setting sun paints the harbor an indescribable shade of pink. The lights on the bridge are twinkling, the temperature's about 75, and mmm, mmmm, mmmm, life is…

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