Found 1 blog entry tagged as ri real estate bargains.

Photo of Punxsutawney PhilPunxsutawney Phil - Correct 40% of the Time

"Is this the bottom?" the buyer asked.

"Yes." I replied. "Yes, it is, and there will be 6 more weeks of winter too." Like Punxsutawney Phil, I make predictions at this time of year. Unlike Phil, I actually consider the indicators.  I'm pretty confident I can best his 40% success rate. (source: National Climatic Data Center)

Here are a few reasons I believe we may actually be at or near the bottom - offered with WAY more authority than Phil's suggestion of a prolonged winter.

1. In 2011 outstanding mortgage balances went down $30B every month. Steady, sustained improvement means momentum. Momentum is what pulls you out of troughs like this.

2. Job gains are accelerating. January brought 243,000 new…

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