Found 1 blog entry tagged as when to buy a home.

A great 2013 Buying Opportunity in Portsmouth, RI

Everyday RI homebuyers ask, “Should I buy now, or should I wait for a better deal?"  

These days my answer is decisive: “NOW is the time.”  

Coming from a real estate broker, these words can seem like a sales pitch - a canned response suitable for any market.  I am writing today to give you facts to back up my opinion.  I hope, 10 years from now, someone who bought a house after reading this blog will thank me for pushing them over the edge.  I imagine how happy they will be with a 3.5% mortgage on a low purchase price negotiated during one of the strongest buyers' markets of our lifetime.  Ten years down the road they will have significant equity in their home, and this will give them the freedom to…

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